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NaNoWriMo 2020: Week 2

Current total word count: 18,447

Okay so first of all, not quite as high as I would have liked it to have been. However having said that, the fact that I was sitting a hell of a lot lower than that on Saturday morning and have really found my groove over this weekend it finally feels like good news again. While I know we have just reached halfway through the month and I am CLEARLY not halfway through the word count, I am still feeling optimistic. Mainly because I know that if I get to a couple of days before and am looking far off, I will just blast through and not sleep. I entered this thing to win!

My only slight issue with the novel is that, if I write it the way I plan on writing it, it may not actually hit the word count. So far I am ten chapters into the thing and, while I have some planned that are definitely longer, I think I only have fifteen or so solidly planned. I have definite ideas of how to get it up to the word count, but I don't want to compromise the quality of the novel if the other 20K words or so aren't as up to scratch as my others. I have found ways that I can extend it earlier on though, ways that will not only boost my count a little but also tie the storyline together in a nicer little bow, so I shall be trying that tomorrow if I get the time.

Either way everyone, as always thank you so much for reading and wish me luck for the final two weeks!



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