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NaNoWriMo 2020: Week 1

Hey everyone!

As I said in my last blog post, I thought it would be fun to do a weekly update post on how the challenge is going, to keep everyone informed and hopefully get some kind words of encouragement along the way too to help me out!

Current total word count: 8068

Okay so, while it sounds pretty low considering we're 8/30 of the way through the month, it is a LOT of hard work and some damn good progress, I promise! I went into this obviously with rough plans of five different novels in mind before letting you guys choose which of those I wrote for this month. I also left it far too late to sort the competition out (something I shall learn for next year!) so I went into the start of the month with very little plan on how I was going to write this, outside of a VERY bare bones summary of what I wanted to include in each chapter and a lot of random thoughts about it swimming through my head.

However, fear not! I have a much more solid plan now in terms of where the story is going and what the characters are about, something that as you know are of paramount importance to my writings. It's very different for me in terms of the style and I do believe it will end up being a lot more focused on nuances and conversations and controversial topics as opposed to the action centric nature that a lot of my previous works have become. I'm really excited to introduce you all to these characters and see what you think!

While there is still a long way to go, both in the crazy word count and the development of the plot in general, I am feeling rather at ease today and confident that, thanks to Borris' very handy lockdown, I can actually hit the wordcount and have this done in time!

Thank you all so much for taking the time to read this and I shall see you all this time next week!



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